How do you define "success" within the context of a church? What would be the elements and criteria of a "successful" church that you would consider in your assessment? A better question is, how would JESUS define "success" or "health" within the context of His design and will for His church?
Regardless of how you specifically answered the above questions, we need to take a sobering moment to be honest about the way that church "success" and "health" has all too often been defined for at least the past few decades. It typically looks something like this:
Growth in Attendance
Growth in Budget
Growth in Volunteers
Growth in Ministries Offered
[Extra Credit for Over Achievers] Multiplying other churches or campus locations
In order to see growth and therefore success in these types of categories, as listed above, churches can often try to distill down for their people what it is that they truly want from them and for them, which can look something like this:
These 4 simple items can be harder than it seems to actually get people to commit to doing, but those who do these 4 things are usually considered superstar members who have truly bought into the mission and vision of that church. Praise God for their heart to commit in these ways!
Now, before I move onto the "warning" portion of this blog post, I do need to clearly state that it is not wrong or sinful for churches to encourage their people to attend, serve, give, and connect in community. In fact, I would say that the life of a true disciple of Jesus would naturally see these 4 things grow as their desire and maturity in Jesus grows. Yet, with this clearly stated...
Although these 4 signs of church engagement aren't bad, churches don't need Jesus to succeed at these things. They also aren't in any way "stand-alone" markers that only Christians can possess. You don't even need to be a follower of Jesus in order to attend, serve, give, or connect in community with others at a church. Think about that for a second...some of the primary measurements of a churches "success" or "health" do not necessarily require the supernatural power of Jesus' Holy Spirit living inside of you.
Let me make my case: Recently the RNC and DNC were held to try and activate their parties to go out and win at the ballot boxes in November. They both spent millions of dollars to encourage and motivate people to attend, serve, give, and connect. Sound familiar yet? They want people to show up and attend. After all, they don't want their party to have no one there to fill the room night after night, and boy did both groups draw HUGE crowds and views online! They also need people to serve by getting the word out, knock on doors, hold local town square supporter events, and volunteer at polling stations. They definitely need people to give as much money as possible to further the cause and mission through things like commercials, billboards, flyers, rallies, and yard signs (did I mention commercials? lol). They want to see people connecting with others of like mind to maintain a strong unity and create contagious forward momentum for their cause.
What neither of them (RNC/DNC) need from you is for Jesus to be Lord and Master over your life. They don't need your heart, mind, or character to be transformed. Their organizations can thrive at all-time records without anyone being surrendered to Jesus. They don't need the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in order to have "success". Their own commitment, leadership, sacrifice, efforts, and human ingenuity are all enough to create a strong, successful, and thriving organization. After all, Jesus may actually just get in the way of their own ambitious goals.
So, what makes the success of a church different than the success of the RNC or DNC?
I think that this question is so incredibly important to ask ourselves in light of who Jesus is and what His word explicitly tells us is the mission and function of the church. For some of you reading, this question is a hard one, and even potentially threatening. For those to whom this question is threatening, may I respectfully as "why?". Why would this examination of God's original design and intent for His church cause anythings else than praise, gratitude and submission to the One who paid the price of redemption for His church with His own blood? Is Jesus truly Lord and Head over His Body, the church, or are we tempted to make it about something else (even on accident).
I will ask again: How does Jesus and scripture define "success" and "health" for His church? What makes the measurements of "success" or "health" different for a church than an organization or business?
The reality is, Jesus never asked His church to live and function like an organization or business (if you disagree, please show me from scripture where I am wrong in this assessment). This is an important starting point that must be seriously considered and is significant considering that the common and primary historical markers and measures of "success" and "health" for a church are largely western business markers. They aren't markers that are founded in scripture. In fact, if we use those same markers of "success" on the ministry of Jesus (God in the flesh), than we would have to consider Jesus ministry an epic failure.
Think about it: Even after all of the incredible miracles and divine teachings that Jesus did, He had very low "attendance" (120 skeptics after his resurrection - Acts 1:15). Instead of people being ignited to "serve", all of Jesus Apostles abandoned Him when He was arrested, one betrayed Him for 30 pieces of silver, and one even denied ever knowing Him three times. In regards to "giving", the one (Judas) who stewarded the money for Jesus and the Apostles was stealing from the money bag (John 12:6). In regards to "connecting", Jesus' Apostles would often argue over who of them was the greatest, with some being fisherman, some tax collectors, some even zealots who would have hated Jewish tax collectors (traitors in their mind). It was painfully messy at times, and yet, these very real truths did not deter Jesus or cause Him to change "strategies". He was not aiming at success the way the world and humanity define success. Maybe, just maybe we shouldn't either.
I love Jesus, His church/people, and His truth with all my heart. My desire is not to tear down the church, but to build it up into God's original heart and design for people. Are you willing to examine yourself and your church against the words and teachings of scripture pertaining to Jesus' design for HIS church, as well as what God's definition of "success" would be? Do you need the supernatural power of Jesus' Spirit in order to be the church that you are connected to, or does it only require the same human tool box and strategies that the business world relies on?
Here are some helpful examples of things that you would definitely need the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in order to see spiritual fruit and transformation in ("success" in):
Loving a perceived enemy.
Praying for those who persecute you.
Forgiving someone who has wronged you.
Having joy in the midst of trials or suffering.
Being humble and gentle when you are disrespected.
Being patient with those closest to you (or the person driving too slow in front of you).
Connecting to scripture daily (less screen time please).
Overcoming addiction/bondage.
Being generous, especially anonymously.
Being hospitable event when it is inconvenient.
Confessing sin to trusted brothers or sisters in Christ.
Saying no to your cravings and desires that are against God's will.
Having a stillness and peace in your heart and mind amidst a storm of life.
Prioritizing true rest for your soul, even when life is very busy.
Praying without ceasing.
Finding healing from trauma.
Grieving the loss of a loved one while grieving with hope.
Living a life free of the power of fear or anxiety.
Having a heart posture of gratitude and worship instead of grumbling and complaining.
This list could surely go on (comment below your additions to this list), but hopefully you are catching on to the stark difference between what Jesus calls us to be "healthy" in, as compared to what the world says we should have "success" in. There are real life implications to spiritual health if we get these things confused or misplaced. May we focus (or refocus) on faithfulness to Jesus, His holy word, and His design for His Church. The church is defined exclusively in scripture as "God's Holy People". It isn't a building, a service, a program, or even a ministry...the church is God's people. These people are precious to Him to the point where He was willing to die in their place. The goal of the church is to love deeply as He has loved, to be equipped to grow in maturity to stand firm in His truth, and to help rescue others through the saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (can I get an "AMEN"?!).
Although I could write an entire book on this topic, I will choose to leave you with this passage from Ephesians 1:15-23
"15 For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, 16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. 17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms, 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. 22 And God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way."
With sincere love and respect,
Cody Balch